
Saturday adventure Ice Skating at the Oval

A couple weeks ago, Liam asked if we could go ice skating for a family Saturday adventure. I wasn't sure how it would go over, since the girls have never even tried on an ice skate before. But, I was excited to have Liam be excited about a Saturday adventure. So we put it on the calendar for the last Saturday in February. And here we go.
Getting the ice skates on off the ice wasn't hard at all. But I would say the first 45 minutes was very very hard and frustrating for Evelyn, but even MORE so for Adeline. She wanted to quit and go home.

Eventually we figured out the outside white ice was a lot easier to skate on and Ryan and I both took her around a couple of laps, which took a long time ha ha.

But look at this girl Evelyn! She got to where she could skate all on her own!
Even more historic! Liam is holding Evelyn's hand to help her. He was actually a great help in helping both Evelyn and Adeline which was a really, really nice thing to see.
He and Collin have been a couple of times for Young Men's. Collin liked that there was way less people first thing in the afternoon than in the evening.

And after a little while look at this girl skating around ALL ON HER OWN! I was so proud of how far she came in the couple hours we were there. And by the end she said she loved it. Far cry from the "I AM NEVER SKATiNG AGAIN" tears at the beginning. Just shows keep at it Adeline!

It was a really, really fun adventure. And something we had never done before which was really fun as well.

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