
Adeline FINALLY loses her 2nd tooth, and Liam's first fencing tournament

There was a little drama with this second bottom tooth coming out (it had been hanging on barely a thread for over a week and Adeline was NOT wanting anyone to touch it). Finally, Ryan one night just pulled it out and there were some tears and anxiety, but HALLELUJAH! It is out. A couple days later and you can't even see the whole where it came out anymore because her back two teeth have come in already.
Last Saturday, Liam had his first in-house fencing tournament. I really had no idea what to expect.
Here he is warming up.
This parafencer in the foreground really helped me understand the rules and what was going on. I still don't totally understand but after watching several matches at least I now have a clue.
Getting to his first "bout".

Liam did really well. These bouts only take about 3 minutes for the most part, then they go into single elemination based on how well you did in the 3 minute matches.

Good action shots here.

More good action shots.

Here his couch Ethan is referee for the final match. It was really close, but Liam won!

Getting more help and advice from his coach.

I think the final score was only a point or two that Liam won by. So it was pretty exciting. There were several longer "back and forth" parts which was really fun to watch.

Liam getting his first place medal.

Great job Liam!

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