
The first O'Berry family "YES" day

We watched the Jennifer Garner Yes day movie on Netflix a few months ago and our kids have been wanting to have one ever since. So, we found a Saturday this summer that would work and did our first Yes day. Adeline didn't end up going to All Star but stayed home with me and we played restaurant...
and with the kinetic sand....

Collin, Liam and Evelyn went with Ryan to All Star to finish an old gift card in the arcade and to get some new money to spend. The kids didn't quite know how to plan the yes day, but I felt like we did pretty good for our first time. Here was this cool LED thing Collin spent his tickets on.
Evelyn bought this stuffed animal at Wal-mart. Like we need ANY more stuffed animals! But, it was yes day.
Liam's space guy from his tickets.
Reading to her animal. Overall, more low key yes day, but still fun. I think the kids will get better at planning these. They got two servings of ice cream during family movie night. And Collin got to buy crab legs when he went to Smiths with me.

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