
Fourth of July Silver Lake pictures

 Trying to get Adeline to stay still for a picture is impossible these days. Or to have her smile directly at you, she always lifts her chin and looks at the sky, as seen in above pic.

 We decided to walk around Silver Lake, even though our cousins were out of town. Some people didn't really want to do it, but in the end everyone was glad that we did. It was definitely chilly to begin with, when we began it was 55 degrees. SO BEAUTIFUL though!

 All the people I love fiercely.

 Playing on snow on the trail.
 Evelyn wanted to make sure I knew she was being a butterfly. Adeline basically walked around the whole lake. I was impressed. She wanted to go explore everywhere so eventually if we wanted to make the parade we made her get in the stroller, but she would have spent hours on that trail.

 Liam's favorite part the rock wall. They flew up that thing this year.

 Girls climbing around. I didn't let them attempt the rock wall yet.

 Proof I was there and getting sunburned.

Yeah for fun family activities!

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