
Girls' Saturday adventure Jan 17 The Leonardo Museum

Collin and Liam were on an overnight skiing adventure with the young men last weekend, and it was Ryan's weekend to work, and Adeline told me we "hadn't been on a Saturday adventure in FOREVER" (which was kind of true because the boys had been doing bigger adventures out so we had done more stuff at home), so I said we are going to the Leonardo! We went last year and had lots of fun with our whole family. We used our PBS passes for the girls so just had to pay for me. This pic is out of order because that's how they post now, so this is Adeline's little "hut" she built in the cardboard area.
Right when we entered. We got there right when they opened so not very many people were there for the first 30-45 minutes we were there. The girls were so excited to be somewhere fun!
Last year they had these cool balls they played with, but those weren't there anymore. Now they had a little ball that changed color and we played tag with the balls via an ipad to move them. It was similar to the balls, but only 3 people could play at one time.

Doing the flight simulator is always fun. Adeline went to Paris and tried to fly by the Eifel Tower.

Evelyn went to the ocean.

Fun little play area on the bottom floor.

Checking out the "real" plane is super fun.
The girls "flew" a lot!
Upstairs seeing the weird science area.
Probably their favorite part of the Leonardo is the art studio. This place is so cool because they have lots of art options and their is no additional cost to do anything. As art lovers, Evelyn and Adeline LOVED this!
This time they did a shaving cream art thing, as well as made snowflakes, did watercolors, and a lot more! I should have taken pictures of all they made, but they loved it.
This Mona Lisa "without eyes" was by the art studio and so the girls went behind and put their eyes in her eyes. You can't really tell who is behind the eyes, and it's a little freaky, but they loved it.

More art studio pics.

This AI machine tried to "guess" what you were drawing with the mouse. It was funny and crazy to see it get it right sometimes or what it thought you were drawing!
We didn't spend a lot of time in this area, and it was somewhat strange, but peaceful. It was an AI machine with lots of different places and designs and voices talking. We went through the maze of it a couple of times.

The last thing we did was the cardboard part.
I love how much interaction the Leonardo gives kids, especially in building and creating.
Evelyn made a frisbee.
Adeline made a little snow hut.
Token picture of the guys driving home from skiing, mostly asleep ha ha.

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