
Christmas in Idaho Part 1, Day 1, Dec 21

We drove up the morning of Saturday, December 21st. My girls have been SO excited to see their favorite cousins Allory and Lainey for a LONG time. They are just best buddies and were the whole week we were there together.
And we got to meet our newest little buddy Jace!
And there was SNOW at grandma and grandpa's, which was very exciting.
Liam played a card game with Jeff and Grandpa.
Girls out playing in the snow. It was a lot less snow than normal, but very fun.

Grandma holding Jace.
He is so sweet with such a little head. I couldn't get over how small his head was. No big O'Berry kid head here ha ha.
Playing snake oil, a really funny game.
This picture is so great. Wes is reminding me SO much of Jeff in these pictures.
Sadee and Adam had to head back to Utah Sunday afternoon so they did a mini-Christmas opening on Saturday night.

Adeline and sweet Jace.

It was a good first day!

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