
Labor Day 2022, Red Butte Garden

I found it was a free day at Red Butte Garden on Labor Day, so "encouraged" my family to go. It wasn't very busy at all since we got there right when it opened, and it was very shady for awhile. Cute picture of girls by the "sunflowers".
Running down the big mountain.

Cool growing sculpture.
By the adventure garden.
Checking out the dripping waterfall.

Ancient house.
Running the little maze garden.

Very cool hosta.
Fun lizard statues.

This sand box was a big hit in the children's garden. All my kids played in there for quite some time.

Burying each other.

Little hideout.
Pretty flowers.

In the herb garden.

Climbing up to the water conservation garden.
These were the coolest little bush with a yellow pop bulb flower on top.
Randomly walking down saw a REAL rattlesnake curled up by a rock. No one could believe it.

By the waterfall and lake gardens.

Evelyn posing again.
Hey our whole family picture picture! I actually really really like this one.
Everybody was getting hot and tired by 11 am.
Playing on the stage at the amphitheater. It was a really fun day.

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