
Adeline's follow-up MRI and more storytime

 Adeline's MRI had to be rescheduled twice (follow-up from her stay in the hospital). We finally went at the end of February. She was really nervous and kept asking "will you hold me mom?"

 She put this piece of tape on her leg "because it will help my brain when they do the test mom." Her words not mine. I wasn't aware tape on legs helped brains.
 Right before they came they brought a toy for her. She was very scared riding in the bed, but the dr was SO fun and awesome (like all the drs up there we have experienced). She did SO much better than Evelyn when she got her botox. I did hold her on my lap but she didn't thrash about and it only took 30 seconds for her to go out. And she didn't wake up screaming!
 Riding out. And the best part is the MRI everything looked normal.

 Fine motor skills for therapy at storytime! I LOVE when this happens!

 They did a really fun game that they had to guess if the music was "fast" or "slow". There were some super fun songs they ran around to.

 This was a car wash everyone went through. Super fun idea.

 The bubbles were the "soap" area of the car wash. Evelyn LOVED the bubbles.

Doing the animal scavenger hunt. All my kids have loved when the library has a scavenger hunt. SO grateful for library storytime at our library.

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