
Collin is 3 months old

Collin turned 3 months old a few days ago...I can't BELIEVE it. In my scientific measuring system, he weighs 13 pounds (25th percentile) and is 23.5 inches long (10th percentile) at least according to a Web site online. The picture below was taken after the 3 blowout hour (see previous post)...
Here Collin is at 3 months old. I tried so hard to get him to smile, but alas....no...and this outfit was SO cute on him, but the colors didn't turn out so great on my camera. Happy 3 month birthday Collin!


Krista said...

He's getting big so fast! What a little cutie!

'T' said...

He is so handsome! What a joy!

jeffandbrianne said...

Getting bigger and older. Good pics with information of blowouts.

Shelley said...

so cute! he is growing up so fast!

Beth said...

Aw, what a little sweetheart! Isn't it just unbelievable how fast the time goes and how quickly they change?! I loved your last post - oh the joys of motherhood, right?! :)

Linsi said...

They do always seem to be smiling during the blowouts . . .funny how that is. You have a beautiful boy!