
Vista classic fun center night, girls make cookies with Dad, last of January gymnastics, ji jitsu

For the first time ever, Vista had a classic fun center night. So I took the girls for the evening from 5-8 and we go spent the extra so they could do everything instead of just skating. And of course they loved it.

Felt like we hadn't been to Classic in awhile, especially since we used to go all the time. Both Evelyn and Adeline loved seeing friends there.

Waiting for Adeline at art class, I got Evelyn some pizza.
Adeline focused in her art class. She has LOVED her art class at The Art Cottage.
Her drawing.
It was warm enough to work on the stilts they got for Christmas!
Making cookies with Daddy while the boys and I were at a fireside.

Back walkover practice.

Adeline is getting a lot better.

I took a video, but they don't upload to the blog well, but Evelyn got to jump to the high bar last Monday! She was SO SO excited!!!!

Working on strength training on the bar. Adeline stayed on there for quite awhile. I was impressed!
And lest we leave Liam out, here are some of his ji jitsu training.


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