
Week before Christmas festivities Part 2

We braided Evelyn's hair the night before the Vista singing program because she wanted curly hair.
She was so excited to have her hair look "just like Sadee!"
For the first time in the history of the singing, I saw some of my kids' actually singing! I could see their heads!
This was a sweet song Adeline got to do with hand bells as a "leader of learning".
Evelyn got to wear these cute reindeer antlers. She did great!

And this also happened on Dec 20. Collin FINALLY got his braces off!
He still has a wire behind his bottom teeth and will have to wear an upper retainer for awhile and at night, but still! Glorious day!
I treated him to Arctic Circle for lunch.
Who who being the baby Jesus in the manger during scripture study this week.
Evelyn singing.
And Boomerang one morning somehow got out of his cage and I finally found him here. After much trevail and watching him like a hawk, Ryan rescued me and came home from work to put him back in the cage. I tried twice and Boomerang was having none of that.

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