
Adeline draws my portrait, leaves, and first gymnastics for girls

Adeline recently drew my portrait. Ha ha. I look awesome!
Finally a super hard frost hit and the leaves started coming down. 

The big leaf falling day. I was glad 80 percent of the leaves fell in one day.

Adeline sharing some kind of amazing story.
A sweet lady in our ward brought my kids an after Halloween surprise of these fun pens. They loved them.
Liam started drinking protein shakes.
And FINALLY we got the girls signed up for gymnastics. It fills up SO fast so the first month available was November. They were SO excited.

I can tell this is helping Evelyn's arm SO much. We should have been doing it more, but alas, hopefully now we can do it more.

Good strong muscles Evelyn!

This was Adeline's first time at gymnastics.

Her bar thing was hilarious. I think she kept thinking she wanted to treat it like the monkey bars at school instead of flipping around on it ha ha.

The vault was definitely tricky for Evelyn.

I'm hoping it will really help her arm strength!


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