
Evelyn learns to ride a bike, some firsts at the zoo and some random funny pics

Last Saturday Evelyn (and Adeline) spent time working on riding a bike. This has been a LONG time coming. She still has some skills to work on and improve but still!

At the zoo we had some really fun firsts this week!
First time ever to see the tiger swimming around in the pool!

First time seeing the baby leopards.

First time seeing the crocodile lizard scurrying around out of the water.

Getting up close with the boa.
First time seeing the skinks get fed. And the zoo keeper was SO nice. She brought "green beanie" out for us to meet and Adeline got to pet her briefly! It was so fun, especially since we have a lizard at home.

In our secret hideout on the playground.

Doing pink drink experiments.

Liam made rolls at activity days last week so he helped me make them for dinner last night. They turned out great! Liam is a good cook!
Adeline meditating before scriptures.

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