
Hanging out more in April and Evelyn loses her other front tooth...finally!

Weekly trip to the zoo was a little on the chilly side still.
But it was SO fun to have the statues open!
Can't remember what this picture was for, but cheesy grin apparently.
This was how loose Evelyn's front tooth had gotten. You apparently can't really see it or I downloaded the wrong pic, but it was hanging on by a thread.

Ryan finally pulled it out in one try.
Chef Collin is up grilling again. He informed me now that it's "summer" we grill every Saturday and Sunday. Apparently we did that last year and it was a good tradition for him. He is a great griller.
I was so touched that Liam got me these flowers for my birthday of his own volition and own money.
Evelyn wanted a fancy bow one day so Ryan did this. She loved it.
Here is Adeline doing her make-up.
Creating something fun in the driveway.

And it hit in the 50s one time, so the girls wanted the pool out. I said only for a little while, but they lasted almost an hour!
Taking Evelyn to school, I look back and see Adeline like this. She says, "Mom! Be quiet! I'm meditating!" It was hilarious.
Adeline earned her sticker chart at school!

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