Overall, I felt this book was a little nugget of great
ideas. Each little idea is just a few pages, which helped in reading it. If you
just wanted to find one little nugget, you read a few pages. I was impressed at
the all-reaching topics the author came up with. I found myself thinking, “yes,
I need to try that!” with many of the suggestions.
One downfall was some of the concepts weren’t developed
quite enough to really find some answers. For example, one idea was to use
discipline over anger, but there wasn’t as many hands-on or concrete ideas as I
would have liked to implement the concept.
I loved the idea that you need to change your child’s “heart”
as you parent. Many of the problems your child gets tangled in, or you find as
a parent, if you work on changing the inner core of your child, you will find
more success. This is definitely a book I would go back over and read again, especially
certain concepts. It lends itself to reading slowly so you can implement
different ideas. The authors also specifically want you to read the book and
take notes of what you can do in your own parenting strategies. Good read.