
Christmas Day 2010

These pictures are a little bit out of order in sequence of events, and granted, I didn't take near enough, but still wanted to do a post about Christmas. Sadee and her "tangled" hair in all its glory. Seriously, that hair is craziness waiting to happen. It made me happy I just have boys.
Ava was more my style. She got a remote control Strawberry Shortcake car. Collin got a little remote car too, so they had a HEY DAY zooming those cars around.
Stockings were/are always a big deal with me.
And every year, including this one, my dad/grandpa, always says Santa didn't come.... and then goes to get the stockings.
The funniest thing in the girls' stockings.
Collin hanging out with grandpa on the bed. We always have to open the stockings by a big bed.
Collin was most excited about this "treats". That's all he wanted Santa to bring him..."treats". Peanut butter M&Ms are his favorite.
Santa also brought him a race car track, which was very fun. And a couple of big trucks, also fun.

He got some other fun toys. Every time he went to open a gift, it was too funny. We would hear him yelling "ITS....ITS....ITS" and then silence once it was opened.
The thing that was the most fun, even though the wheels have issues, was this gift from my sister.... from a long afar ago time. It doesn't go super well, but Collin loves to sit on this little motorcycle. We had such a fun Christmas this year!

1 comment:

Krista said...

Christmas is so fun! Ava's car looks super cute. I bet Kambria would like something like that. Your new tv looks nice! I am glad we still all get together on Christmas Eve. :)