
Fall Break Delicate Arch hike finally!

This is out of order, but I like that it highlights where we were at. So, several years ago, we went to Moab/Arches for a spring break when Liam was in 4th grade, but due to the girls being so little, didn't attempt Delicate Arch. The boys were SO made didn't do it, that I made them a promise we would go back and do it when they got older. Thus, the fall break trip was mostly to hike Delicate Arch.
We had our car reservation for 8 am because everyone told me you want to get there early. This first part of the hike is basically all up slick rock.
It is fairly steep, but not too slippery thank goodness.

This is a better angle from looking down as we climbed up.

Once we got over that the kids liked playing the "sand is lava" game as we hiked more over to the arch.

This was a little steep section.

And here we are! This was a big area right in front of the arch you could take pictures. But we were still maybe 50-100 yards away from being underneath it.
Stay tuned for more pictures.

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