
Adeline FINALLY loses her first tooth, and we start gymnastics back up again in January

Ryan found the girls mini gingerbread houses on clearance so they got to make them on New Years Eve.
Also on New Years Eve Adeline FINALLY lose her first tooth ever, one of the bottom ones. They have both been loose FOREVER, but she pulled it out HERSELF....which was ideal. I love these pictures of lost teeth. Her back teeth are basically already all in so it was WAY overdue.
And we went back to gymnastics in January. We have an earlier time from 4-5 on Mondays, which is a new time. I'm not sure if it was due to being January 2nd or holiday, or what but much much less kids there than before. It was SO nice. There were only 3 kids in Evelyn's level so she got a lot of attention and practice.

Evelyn was SO excited she got to do handstands on the beam!

 And last but not least, Liam received the Aaronic Priesthood and got ordained a deacon on January 1st. Yeah!

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