
True Friend

Does anyone have someone that is an angel in his/her life? I do.... this angel "friend" of mine... I can't say enough about this angel.
1. This angel has gone ABOVE and beyond in my life.... when I had Collin, not only did she offer to help me, she literally bought a month's worth of groceries since I told her I was scared to take him to the store with me when he was so little, and I hate going to the store.
1.5. When I was pregnant with Collin, had him, and ever since, she has assured me, her phone is literally right next to her at night (and even though she has a year and a half year old girl) she told me I could call her at ANYTIME day or night and she could talk, be there, come to my house, whatever. I know lots of people offer to do that, but I know she is someone that really would be...literally at my beck and call if need be.
2. She has continously called me (at least once or twice a week) or emailed me about me not being able to stay at home as a stay-at-home mommy, just to let her know that she prays for me.... and I know other people are doing this, but she calls to let me know she is...
3. She just emailed me the other day, to say she was going to Costco and if I needed anything.... I told her I didn't think so, then she asked what size of diapers Collin was in....I didn't think much about it until I got a voicemail that she dropped off some stuff for me from Costco....258 Huggies diapers... 258!!!! Plus some other things that she just knew we would like.
4. I called her back and she then told me she was going to go to the "store" for me...I told her she did NOT have to do that (she made it quite clear she was going to anyways and I was NOT going to pay for the things) and made me give her a list of what foods we wanted.... so I told her 4 or 5 things..... she then asked if we ate fruits, vegetables, meats, etc. So....about two hours later, here comes my angel, with MORE than enough food for us for a month, plus a zillion diaper wipes, treats for Collin, the largest thing of toilet paper rolls I have seen, fruit and vegetables, and stuff my husband put away that I haven't even seen yet.Our fridge is overflowing now...seriously.... this friend is an ANGEL.... she is truly the nicest person I have ever met outside my grandma, and THAT, my friends, is saying SOMETHING.
In thinking of the spirit of Christ at this season, I know my friend may not think she is, but she TRULY embodies the spirit of Christ to me.... she is truly a friend that I know I can count on. I hope if she reads this post she knows that I don't mean to embarrass her or make her feel bad, but just to honor that I can call her my friend.


Mr. Thompson and Me said...

Wow. I want a friend like that! Better yet...I want to be a friend like that.

Thanks for the inspiration.

kari said...

I know who this is, and believe me, there is VERY FEW people like this around. Although as your sister I will say that you deserve ALL of the kind things that come your way.

You inspire many others.

What a wonderful person she is. Truely everything you say.


'T' said...

That's the spirit of Christmas :O)

Krista said...

What a wonderful friend! And I agree with Kari, you deserve it. I think YOU are one of the nicest people ever, and I not just saying that!