
Adeline art class, perler beads, ticket to ride and seeing Krista

Adeline LOVES her valentine art class project.
And she drew a dinosaur :)
The girls have SERIOUSLY been into the perler beads the last week. They work on some every day.

This past Sunday the girls and I played Ticket to Ride. It's been really fun that they are getting old enough to play some more advanced board games which has been really fun for me to graduate from candyland and chutes and ladders and sorry.

And I got to go and see cute Krista! I had SUCH a fun visit with her :)

Saturday adventure Mar 1 Ice Skating at Accord Ice Center

We went ice skating as a family last Saturday at the Accord Ice Center. We used the kids all county rec passes so they got in free so only had to pay skate rental and for Ryan and I to skate. It was a little dramatic in some ways because the girls hadn't been for about a year.
It took us a little awhile (not the boys, since they have been several times recently) but eventually Ryan really helped Evelyn start getting the hang of things.

Her right foot still kind of collapses inward but she worked SO hard. It was a good lesson on doing good things.

Adeline had a meltdown because she couldn't figure it out for awhile, but then she got the hang of it and was zooming around everywhere. And she said it was the best thing for forever.

Proof I was there.
Everyone stayed the whole 2 hours which was pretty amazing for us. Yeah for active adventures!

Adeline art class, Saturday adventure Grizzlies hockey game, Adeline science class, other Feb pics

I LOVED this picture Adeline painted in art class a couple of weeks ago. It was SO SO pretty. I'm hoping to get it framed and hung up sometime soon!
She also made some cute clay things.

With our GetOutpass, we went to a Grizzlies hockey game. We had MUCH better seats this time for some reason, and the game was SO close! Came down to the wire.

Going close down to the ice.
Taking a break reading.
A power transformer got replaced on our street and this crane was HUGE!
Adeline at her little evil scientist class.

Playing outside with the boys with basketball.

Building her little lantern from scientist class.
More hockey game pictures out of order.


Evelyn's indoor track meet


The last week of February, Evelyn had a little "mini" indoor track meet. She did great!
Trying to get warmed up.
Doing the 400 race.

I liked this picture the best. She looks happy!

Doing the long jump.

Cheer for the end!

Way to go Evelyn!