
Saturday adventure Mar 8 Disney on Ice for girls and Vivian's gymnastics meet

Out of order pic of waiting for the awards with Vivian.
For Christmas, I got the girls and I tickets to Disney on Ice. It was my first time in the Delta Center. We rode TRAX down which the girls were excited about (they don't remember riding Trax when they were a lot younger). Here we are before the show starts.
It was a very pretty ice scene.
Even though I had said I wouldn't buy overpriced treats, since the show started at 11, both girls were STARVING, and ironically the cheapest treat was dippin dots. So they each had to pay me $2 towards it and we got that as a treat.

Aladdin and the genies skate.

They had a lightning mcqueen car that DROVE on the ice. that was very cool.
My girls loved the Frozen skating scenes.

Check out Sven!

And after we met up with Ryan and the boys and lots of Sintay cousins for Vivian's gymnastics meet that was in Utah! It was a VERY busy Saturday!

Adeline art and her dance performance at school

Adeline spent a lot of time making this very cute bracelet for her cousin Vivian.
And she made this axolotl at art class last week. It is VERY cool looking (which is hard to tell in the picture), but it was a shiny marker type thing in 3d. It is very very cute. Adeline LOVES axolotls.
And Tanner dance does a dance special time for a few months and then they perform for parents. Here is Adeline in her "ocean creatures" performance.

Warming up before the performance.

Here she is as part of an anemone.

She is now the clown fish "being protected" by her anemone. It was a cute little performance.


Evelyn starts up spring volleyball session

Last week, Evelyn started up her new season of spring volleyball. Despite not really having touched a volleyball, she had REALLY improved.
She is on green team this session, and only 1 previous teammate is on her same team, but we saw a lot of her teammates on some other teams. In fact, one couple asked if Evelyn had been practicing a lot over the break because she was doing SO good. Evelyn was so happy when I told her that.
She scored a few points on her crazy wild one handed serves, and also got several bumps over.

Even she mentioned that she had done so much better this game. I was happy for her. She seems to really enjoy volleyball.



Adeline art class, perler beads, ticket to ride and seeing Krista

Adeline LOVES her valentine art class project.
And she drew a dinosaur :)
The girls have SERIOUSLY been into the perler beads the last week. They work on some every day.

This past Sunday the girls and I played Ticket to Ride. It's been really fun that they are getting old enough to play some more advanced board games which has been really fun for me to graduate from candyland and chutes and ladders and sorry.

And I got to go and see cute Krista! I had SUCH a fun visit with her :)

Saturday adventure Mar 1 Ice Skating at Accord Ice Center

We went ice skating as a family last Saturday at the Accord Ice Center. We used the kids all county rec passes so they got in free so only had to pay skate rental and for Ryan and I to skate. It was a little dramatic in some ways because the girls hadn't been for about a year.
It took us a little awhile (not the boys, since they have been several times recently) but eventually Ryan really helped Evelyn start getting the hang of things.

Her right foot still kind of collapses inward but she worked SO hard. It was a good lesson on doing good things.

Adeline had a meltdown because she couldn't figure it out for awhile, but then she got the hang of it and was zooming around everywhere. And she said it was the best thing for forever.

Proof I was there.
Everyone stayed the whole 2 hours which was pretty amazing for us. Yeah for active adventures!